my rss news feeds

F-Droid new apps only

alternative feed to get notified of every new foss project without getting notified of every release version

my snippets

Twitch 2 Discord notification about every stream title or game category change

Kick 2 Discord notification about every stream title or game category change

fetches Steam games for a given review score and number and makes an atom feed

scrapes MapGenie game maps and makes an atom feed

fetches new F-Droid apps and makes an atom feed

downloads IMDb datasets and looks up the newest movies you might be interested in and makes an atom feed

fetches OpenCritic scores of best ranked games for a given platform and makes an atom feed : bash script for rrdtool database creating, updating, graphing and a nodejs httpd for display

feedproxy : it's like a personal Google Reader server

A backend to aggregate many rss or atom news feeds into one, your own feed.
Supports Amazon Kindle, can send the referred article contents with images automatically as a book via Kindle-It.